1.  Once you’re in Advanced Mode, click on “Split Tests” from the top bar of the Dashboard, then click “Create Split Test”


2. Name the split test, and if you want, put in a description.  OptinLinks allows you to use an unlimited amount of forms in your tests.  Set the “Form Weight”.  This determines the probability that each form will be displayed.  For example, if you have two forms and you give one a weight of 1, and the other a weight of 2, the #2 is 2 times more likely to display than the one.  If you want them evenly rotated (recommended unless you have a reason not to), then give each one a weight of 1.  Once you’ve selected your forms, click on “Create Split Test”, and your test will be added. 


3. To assign your split test to an OptinLink, come in to your Campaigns page. Then click on “Edit Campaign” next to the campaign where you want to run the test.


4. Under the “Optin Form” dropdown box, you’ll now see a Split Test available.  Select it, then click the “Edit OptinLink” to set the split test to run in that campaign.


5. You can test to see if your split test is working by opening a browser in Incognito mode (or similar) and clicking the optin link. Note which form pops up, then close it, refresh the page, and click again.  You should see the forms cycling through the variations you selected. 

6. You’ll be able to see all the stats on the split test page.