OptinLinks Professional allows you to serve clients from your own installation of OptinLinks with just a single line of JavaScript on their site.  So you can install OptinLinks on ANY site where you can place JavaScript.  You can do this on client sites, your own HTML pages, anywhere you can place code. 

1. Before you can use this page, you’ll need to have at least one campaign setup and a mailer integrated. You can integrate with your clients’ autoresponders as well.  They just need to provide their API key.

2. Click on the “Clients” link from the top bar of the Dashboard, then click to create a new client.

3. Add your client’s name, add a description (optional), and add your client’s domain. IMPORTANT:  OptinLinks won’t deliver the javascript unless you’ve allowed the top level domain to use it.  So you need to put in a domain at the top level. (ending with a .com, .net, or similar, with no slashes afterwards.)  You can add as many campaigns and domains to each client as you want.  

4. Click “Create Client”.

5. Now back at the dashboard, find the client and campaign you created.  Copy the script, and place it on any other site where you want it to appear.